Archives For Preview Service

sunday recap

July 14, 2014 — Leave a comment

After a stay/vacation, it’s harder to reconnect with Social Media than you might think! I’m still getting back in the swing of things after being gone a couple weeks ago, but things are moving at SLW! Here’s a quick Sunday Recap from yesterday:

From the Message:

We took some time to unpack a bit of the unbelievable sight of heaven from John’s perspective in video images.023Revelation 4 & 5. If you missed it, the podcast will be available here soon.

Some observations from John’s vision of Heaven:

:: God is in control now.

:: Jesus is powerful now.

:: Heaven is active now.

What part of life would you live differently if you were living like this were true?

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As we prepare for our free Family Fun Day (this Saturday!), I have found myself laboring in prayer on behalf of the people who will be in attendance.  My prayer for the week/weekend has been something like this:

Father Dear,
I know your Spirit is working even now drawing hearts and lives to you.  Thank you for your incredible faithfulness and love–without you we have no hope.  As we do our part of ‘meeting you halfway’ for Family Fun Day and preparing for our PreView service, help us to remain faithful and focused on sharing your love and hope with those around us; give us eyes like yours and courage to speak, act, and love when prompted.  God, we have asked you for twenty people to come to know you this Summer as a result of your interaction with them through The Bridge–help us to be a vessel you can use this weekend and as we make connections; would you please invade lives, families, and communities this week?  We are asking that children conceived in a home far from you would be raised in a home radically changed by you.  We are asking that people who have long ignored you would hear and heed your call.  We are asking for your light, hope, love, and power to be made undeniably known this week, this weekend, and consistently through The Bridge.

We want none of the credit for what you alone will do; we desire none of the glory that is only yours; help us to seek nothing but your Kingdom.  We are desparate for you to move.

Break us and use us.  Please.