Archives For The Bridge

This Saturday, The Bridge is hosting our biggest event of the Summer as an opportunity to connect with our neighbors and build new relationships in Penn Hills.  Two weeks from Sunday, we’ll be hosting our first public worship gathering (we’re calling them “Monthly Celebrations” because “preview service” doesn’t really make a lot of sense to people who aren’t familiar with church or church planting).  All that to say: we’re in the middle of a big push to gain and hold momentum.  It has meant a lot of long days for Rick, our families, and me, and a ton of behind-the-scenes coordination and ‘procurement’ by people on our launch team.

We’re pushing the limit in terms of energy and emotional RPMs.  But just as much as we have been determined to push hard for what’s taking place in the next couple of weeks, we have noted the need to take time to refresh and renew.  Our sense is that ministry, apprenticeship, strategy, training, preparing, executing… all come in seasons — a season of pushing hard and a season of resting.

We’re determined to communicate with excellence, to have worship environments and ministry areas where everything is done very, very well.  We’re also determined to raise up new leaders… but apprenticeship is messy and sometimes our apprentice leaders won’t do things as well as we think they should or know they could–and ‘excellence’ can suffer.  So, there are seasons of pushing hard for excellence, and seasons of learn-by-doing-with-permission-to-really-mess-up.

The best illustration we’ve found (in the Ferguson brothers’ Exponential) is the idea of riding a bike and working the pedals: pushing on one pedal and resting on the other.  Momentum continues and the work is sustainable–but only if the pattern of push-rest-push-rest is properly applied.  For ministry-leader types, though, resting can seem like work.  So can letting off the pedal of ‘excellence’ to push harder on the pedal of apprenticeship.

I’m hoping that, like riding a bike, we may falter and fall at first, but will develop a proper sense of balance and harness momentum.  Time will tell.

In the meantime, I’d better get back to pushing hard toward this weekend’s event.  And then I’ll rest hard… next week :-).

As we prepare for our free Family Fun Day (this Saturday!), I have found myself laboring in prayer on behalf of the people who will be in attendance.  My prayer for the week/weekend has been something like this:

Father Dear,
I know your Spirit is working even now drawing hearts and lives to you.  Thank you for your incredible faithfulness and love–without you we have no hope.  As we do our part of ‘meeting you halfway’ for Family Fun Day and preparing for our PreView service, help us to remain faithful and focused on sharing your love and hope with those around us; give us eyes like yours and courage to speak, act, and love when prompted.  God, we have asked you for twenty people to come to know you this Summer as a result of your interaction with them through The Bridge–help us to be a vessel you can use this weekend and as we make connections; would you please invade lives, families, and communities this week?  We are asking that children conceived in a home far from you would be raised in a home radically changed by you.  We are asking that people who have long ignored you would hear and heed your call.  We are asking for your light, hope, love, and power to be made undeniably known this week, this weekend, and consistently through The Bridge.

We want none of the credit for what you alone will do; we desire none of the glory that is only yours; help us to seek nothing but your Kingdom.  We are desparate for you to move.

Break us and use us.  Please.


August 22, 2010 — Leave a comment

Everyone with experience (who also feels the need to give free advice) has told me how much hard work church planting is. It’s true: long hours, late nights, big meetings, laboring in prayer, making connections, planning, designing, preparing, negotiating… it really is tons of work (and our senior pastor at the Bridge, Rick, does a great job of not only coordinating a lot of the work but also getting out and doing it).

Now, after hosting another mission team this summer (a group of teens who did a great job helping us make important connections), I’m reminded of how physically hard the work can be.  Sore feet, knees, and back remind me: this ain’t no office job.  After all of our canvassing (in a place called “Penn Hills” which gives you an idea of the terrain), connecting with businesses and a couple of service projects, it’s time for a new pair of shoes and some icy hot.  And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

This was part of our push toward our ‘big event’ of the Summer: a totally free Family Fun Day for the community.  We went door-to-door inviting people and hanging doorhangers, the team put up about 140 flyers, posted yard signs, and hosted a free carwash (which facilitated the opening of some amazing doors of opportunity with people of influence in the community); cookies were baked and platters of them given to local businesses; giveaways from area businesses were received  which will help keep Family Fun Day free for the people who take part.

God is moving in very real ways and I’m excited to see what the results will be of God’s undeniable activity and our obedient effort.

Image: Timothy Cox

A few days ago, we shared with you jus a few of the ways we have seen that the Holy Spirit is undeniably at work in Pittsburgh (I still can’t believe we get to be part of what he’s doing here!).  We also shared our very real need for individuals, groups, and churches to support us as missionaries here.  Yesterday we sent out a few ways you can help make sure we’re funded, and we genuinely thank you for prayerfully considering how God might use you to help us live and minister in Pittsburgh.

We are committed to the work we’re doing in Pittsburgh, and I am in the process of finding outside employment.  That’s where this final installment of the “Help Jeremiah and Sarah with Funding” JourneyNote miniseries comes in:

With church planting is my primary vocation, a ‘second job’ in order to make ends meet needs to be one of a much more flexible nature than traditional employment.  Given my experience as a writer, copywriter & editor, as well as with some design work, we are looking for opportunities to use this skill-set to serve people and businesses who may know what they want to say but not quite how to say it.  If you know someone in need of a skilled (ghost)writer with marketing and branding experience, please send them our way (we’ll be updating as a point of contact for this).  Keep in mind, I am also available to speak at churches, camps, and other meetings…and would be happy to furnish samples and references for the afore-mentioned services.  By using the gifts of communication & preaching that God has blessed me with, and hopefully some creative time management, we expect to find ourselves more active and fulfilled than ever!

Again, here’s the contact information for sending support (make sure ‘Gomez” is in the memo line!):

The Bridge
℅ 264 Shawvlle Hwy
Woodland, PA 16881

We thank God for you and the part you’re playing in His story for Pittsburgh.

Good evening, fellow Sojourners!

Yesterday, we sent out a brief update about some of the exciting things happening with The Bridge; we also shared our need for financial support.  As promised, here are a few of the ways you can help:

Pray for God’s continued and unique provision; ask him to stir the hearts of donors and to create income opportunities for us.  We know God alone is our provider and has proven himself more than faithful time after time.  The way he provides often surprises us, and we’re thankful for the ‘willing vessels’ he is already using.  Please also pray that we would have eyes that see the opportunities which come our way and the courage to jump into them!

If you have committed to give but have not yet followed-through on that commitment as an individual, group, or church, please do so now; if you will be unable to fulfill what was promised, please let us know.  Many of our issues with shortfall have to do with the fact that promised support has not yet been delivered.  Just having those who already said they would give do just that would be a tremendous blessing.

If you have been waiting for the right opportunity to give, genuinely seek the Holy Spirit to see if now is that time–the Spirit of God is moving and we could use your help!

If you have been looking for a different way of providing resources to The Bridge, perhaps you can use our ministry catalog to give practical gifts toward our ministry.  The catalog can also be downloaded from The Bridge’s website here.

As you provide personal support, please make sure “Gomez” is in the memo line of your check and that it is sent to our bookkeeper at:
The Bridge
c/o 264 Shawville Hwy
Woodland, PA 16881

Thanks, again, for taking this journey with us.